Thursday, March 21, 2013

Update: Videos now available on YouTube - See link

Please see link provided discussing exhortation in Righteousness, faith and hope in God, the state of the church, famine in the land, condition of being in God and search the Scripture.

Youtube: - Keyword Search "Apostle Bateman"

More will be coming soon!

God bless,
Apostle Bateman

Monday, March 18, 2013

God or Medicine - Part 7

Why seven parts to this topic?  This trust relying and dependance upon God is the ultimate will of God for mankind and especially us that profess Sanctification and Holiness. Amen.  For then your health and well being is secure, for He is the God and only God of the covenant.

Displeasing God is where we are - Hebrews 11:6, not believing that what He said He meant and what He meant He said is grounds for removal, destruction and curses.  What do you think caused Adam and Eve to be driven out of the garden? They displeased God. Amen

Eve and Adam like today's so called church wants to be wise as God, break God's laws, rules and commandments to establish their own - Genesis 3:4-7.  When you willfully go to doctors and the medical profession for your help you forfeit your right to be healed by God, thereby telling God you are not according to I Samuel 8:12 - "My Ebenezer, which means stone of help", I have found me another help. 

Since January 1974, I have not been nor seen a physician for any medical treament nor advice. Amen.  I am a partaker of the fruit and I know that He will be true to His word and His promises.  You must get rid of all of your sins, your way of doing things, believe the teachings of the Bible, both Old and New Testament, submit yourself to God's word as it is written, seek Him with all of your heart, soul and might, yield your will to Him, accept His condition and God will show himself strong in your behalf.  II Chronicles 16:9.  For obedience brings Righteousness, life, health and blessings.  Amen.

With all that is going on in this backslidden church world God does and always have a steady voice of the truth.  But the people don't believe him whom God sent, only those with a form of godliness and no power or no faith of God. Amen.  The topic is right and the message true.  Just because there be those that have made the gospel of none effect, that doesn't change what is written in God's Holy Word.  For if you die or is found out of the will of God when Jesus comes, you are lost.  "Back to God before it's too late."

God bless

If you are tired and now ready to make your calling and election sure, feel free to contact me at 803.359.9052 - -

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

God or Medicine - Part 6

I have many things to say and to judge of you but He that sent me is true and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of Him.  This fall away, no return to God road, complete apostate, backslidden and we have entered into a realm that we have never been before.  Just like Israel, having crossed the Red Sea, God having destroyed the Egyptians in the sea, delivered, set free not one feeble person among their tribes joy and true deliverance.

Now the condition of keeping the victory, deliverance, joy and the dance is found in these verses.  Exodus 15:25-26 . Like then as now, you can't go back even though you might want to therefore in order to maintain this new found walk and relationship with God and not to find yourself in spiritual and physical bondage again, you must take on the standards of Righteousness and True Holiness.  Amen

Diligently hearken to God - do that which is right in His sight.  Give Him an ear to His commandments, keep His statues, then you will never have to be concerned about disease and sickness.  Amen

Until we repent and return to our first love as with the Israelites so is with us, our years are and will be spent in a wilderness of trouble, vanity, leanness, sorrow, despair because of being stubborn, rebellious, disobedient and unbelieving.  Think about this aspect, we came to God 50-20 years ago God healed, delivered, saved and baptized us with the Holy Ghost and fire and now, we have conditions and illness we did not have before.  So basically, we as they, are still at the waters of Marah and God has tried and proven us that we are still not fulfilled in, with and of Him, not satisfied with provision and the way he wants us to walk and go before Him.

God wants us like them to be of His spirit, mind and heart.  To do this, you love and have the Word and the Holy Ghost, this is the pattern or mold of God.  If your life is not based on this it is not of God.  You can't appreciate God until you have rules, laws, judgments, commandments on your life without this you can't be molded or patterned after God. Amen

Therefore, sickness and disease and spiritual trouble comes on people that are not of God, sinned against God or are enemies of God.  People how long halt we between obeying God and trusting in man - Jeremiah 17:5

Renew yourself afresh and come back to God before He turns a deaf ear and He laughs at your calamity for He is calling and you are not answering.  You will call and He will not answer - Proverbs 1:24-31

God bless.

If you want more information please contact or call - 803.359.9052

Friday, March 8, 2013

God or Medicine? Part 5

God has allowed the events of time to reveal this so called church worlds nakedness, hypocrisy and shame.  Since the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in this country in the past 100 years, it is evident we have not stood for none of the word of God in truth and even more what we as preachers claim we believe.

Now here it is this government's mandate with penalties and backed by the Supreme Court without no mention of the Holy, Sanctified, Apostolic, Pentecostal and even none of the major protestant churches of being exempt from this penalty.  Why?  Because the government talk, sing, shout, pay money, take money, play church in the name of God but really don't believe nothing that is pertaining to the scriptures.  So much so, quiet, defending and supporting a law that requires us to do what God has said He alone does - I am the Lord that healeth thee and not patch you up.

Taking man made remedies with side effect do more harm than medicine itself.  Going to doctors and hospitals is like going to a body shop to be worked on and yet not cured or healed but merely treated. 

In response to this blog and the message for the hour with its appeal to turn back God, should have already been given, yet the evidence against us is still there because we as the so-called church and believers rely on medicine rather than God and prefer to be taking to the emergency room than to the altar to wait on God for our healing and deliverance.

Now our first amendment of religious freedom has been sidestepped because the government allows us to have religion but don't believe in trusting God to do what God said He can and will do for those that will obey and love him.  Amen

Remember, the just shall live by faith and not by sight and whatsoever is not of faith is of sin.  Because we are divided, now spiritually we as a so-called church have been conquered.  I want to encourage the few of us that has been faithful or at least realize I have not been as I should to renew your faith, respond to this appeal and let us that are strong bear the infirmities of the weak and be willing to conform to God's plan and watch God show himself strong in the behalf  of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.  Amen.

God bless!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God or Medicine? Part 4

All the evidence are laid against us concerning our sickness and disease - Deut. 8:3,11-20, Deut. 28, Jeremiah 2:13,17,19, 32 and Jeremiah 4:18.  We have gotten away from God.  We draw near with our lips but our hearts are far from Him Isa.29:13.  Cars, homes, money, land, wealth, prosperity, education, gold, silver, ornaments and loving the world and on and on only when trouble and despair rises with destruction is God important to us.  Until then we are saying He knows my heart.  I am blessed and that God is blessing me.  We hear this all the time.

From the beginning, God required, ordained and established dependence upon Him alone Amen.  God gave His people laws, statues, ordinances and judgements to live by.  Blessings and cursings, life and death, God's people are not like any other people or nation. I Samuel 8:1-22

People, believe the report the church of Pentecost was and is a church of power and deliverance, healing, salvation and the move of God with signs following. Why?  Because of the word of God taught and preached and made plain to the hearers that God's will and way.  Amen.

Our prayers are being made but not reaching heaven.  Joel 2:32 - Obedience to God is better than sacrifice I Sam. 15:22.  We pay tithes and offerings, special offerings, yet sick with disease and although we cry with a loud voice just like Israel, He is not hearing our cry.  I earnestly beseech you while there is an ear to hear and repent and do thy first works or else continue to pine away in your sickness, disease, infirmities and afflictions.  Come now and return unto the old path and you will find rest for your souls.

Whether you agree or not, the things stated still exists now we are worrying about the costs of medicines, hospitals and doctors visits, rather or not if I have enough courage, copay, long term care, hospice, rehab, death and burial and still God is not our All in All.  Our wealth and money is spent on medical treatment and our health.  Rather than a blessing now a cursing of our children are born with disease, worry, fear and depression/stress Isa. 48:18.  Instead of God, we go to doctors, spiritualists and palm readers because God is not with us and we do not have what it takes to wait on the Lord.

Stubborn, rebellion, disobedience and unbelief is the order that now exists and rules in this so called church world.  God made Adam and Eve, man and woman and not doctors and nurse.  Not to trust in God would be like King Asa II Chronicles 16:12 - II Kings 1:1-4, Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11

People come back to God before its too late Isaiah 33:22.  The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King, He will save us.  And the inhabitant shall not say I am sick, the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity. Thank God! 

God bless!!

God or Medicine - Part 3

I am appealing to that remnant that is scattered and yet can hear what the spirit of God is saying.  I have written to the President and various civil legislators and those of Congress of how the Affordable Care Act (Healthcare) will affect us who rely on God and if they will make exception for us who do not use medical facilities.  As of yet, to date, no avail I have not received a response.

If the few of us let alone the majority were united in one voice, the rest of us would have to be together and like as stated before (The Amish Old Order, Christian Science) would be granted an exemption. 

Shouldn't the true holy and sanctified people be united in true holiness and obedience to God and each other?  Not in one place or in one building but in spirit and in truth.  We have to come clean with ourselves that I am not where I used to be and I don't have it like the Bible says, and I am in need of a Back to God Before Its Too Late move of God by the Holy Ghost. Amen.

When God sent me from New York City in the early summer of 1980 with this back to God message God told me that if I can convince the people that He alone is Healer that I will be able to teach them anything in that Bible.  I have had hell trying to do that ever since.  Exodus 15:26 and Deut. 32:39

We have followed false doctrine, false prophets, false churches, liars, hypocrites, thieves, etc.  Now is not the time to gain say or debate, for the hand of God is heavy in the land and the glory of God has departed from some of the so-called churches. 

COME BACK to God and let Him restore your life, soul, body and spirit to righteousness and true holiness.  Once again I am not blogging to do battle, debate or argue, yet I must put forth an effort with exhortation to press upon you the need to change direction.  Call upon and seek God while He may be yet found,  Isa. 55:6-7 and II Chronicles 7:14 in the midst of his wrath He will remember mercy.

He is a good God and a long suffering God.  But our sins are many and our fear toward God is not good.  If you are sincere and now ready to make your call and election sure because time is rapidly slipping away.  This could be whoever you may be your last chance before time runs out.  Amen.

Contact for more information: 803.359.9052 or via email at -

Monday, March 4, 2013

God or Medicine? Part 2

This is why or where we should always be speaking one voice, the whole truth, the old path of true holiness.  Instead we are debating over issues, there has to be some unity or common ground of which we all can believe on.  In the last 40 years there has been a big change in the "so called" church world, and now as it appears picking up from the book of Jude to I Peter that the time has come that judgment must began at the house of God.   It is evident that we talk about God, shout about it, speak in other tongues, prophesy about it and when we get right down to the faith of God, we are fallen, backslidden, deluded and out of the will of God.  It is so important and necessary that you consider this blog in hopes that maybe someone has been thinking about these things that there has to be more to what we are doing in this so called church world.

I beseech you that we must earnestly contend and return back to the faith once delivered to the people of God starting in the Old Testament and was renewed on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem.  According to the word of God, the just shall live by faith.  According to Deut 28 - all these blessings and curses will come because we will not hearken to the voice of God.  It is not the devil, or man but our sins that has us in the shape that we are in today.

Rather than get right down to the bottom of this matter, that we have walked away from God, it will take weeks, months or years to get back to God.  So we can not continue to blame the devil, the preacher, marriage or other situations for our having walked away from God.  In the end we will not meet these people, but we will stand before God.

Consider what I say in the Lord that the Lord give you understanding, if your heart is not dull or hardened to the Holy Ghost.  Just examine yourself and see if you be in the faith as the Apostle Paul said, because you can't do anything against the truth but for it.  Remember, Hebrews 11 the chapter where they all died in faith and not medical facilities, not from diabetes, prostate, tumors, sickle cell, dialysis, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, schizophrenia, mental disorders and the list goes on and on.  All of our fasting and praying, convocations and conventions, workshops and seminars, special services, highly anointed revivals, we are still in the shape that we are in.  COME BACK to GOD before its too late! GOD BLESS!

God or Medicine?

This blog is intended to appeal as to many that has an ear to hear what the spirit saith to the church before the Lord's coming draws nigh. 

Since this affordable care act and before it seems that with all of the big name preachers nationally and locally and certain ones that proclaim to have the "whole" truth to date as I am aware of not one has cried out against this law that is fine for the world and those that rely upon that system, but not for us that depend upon God, pay tithes, profess to live for God.  We have all this Holy Ghost and fire and yet we go to hospitals and doctors more than anybody.  At the end of the day, we have to pay a penalty as individuals not as a church organization for insurance, when we already have health insurance by the promises of God.

Please be advised.  I am not speaking against government, authority and laws of the land that we are privileged by God to obey.  However as the Apostle Peter says that we are to obey God rather than man.  We should not have a problem with petitioning this system through our government to exempt us or be included with the Amish, Mennonite, Christian Science who do not carry insurance, but they pay for their communal dues to care for each other.

Moreover, this blog is not for battleground or debate.  This is an appeal.  If you are concerned, and understand this appeals to you as a friend I welcome more of your type of response rather than criticize my view on doctors, but "the faith that was once delivered unto the saints" as per Jude 3, Exodus 15:26, Deut. 7:15, James 5:14-15.

Please contact me directly at or visit my website at - Or call 803.359.9052